Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Flaming Foley Fence

I think George W. Bush has a real problem on his hands right now. He's being stretched from two different sides causing a bit of a quandary for him and the republicans. You see, ever since Rep. Mark Foley of Florida was ousted as a gay pedophile the democrats all switched over to the anti gay party. They are head hunting for anyone that is associated with Foley, anyone that is a republican, or anyone that is gay.
That puts George Bush in a sticky situation because, as a republican, he has to stay further to the right on the gay issue than any of the democrats. He can't look weaker on the Gay Issues than they do. So he has to do the only logical thing that he can, which is banning all gay people to Mexico – the next logical choice, right?
Well that becomes a problem for him now because he is also working on a 600 mile fence to put on the border between Mexico and the U.S. The fence will be put down there to keep all the job stealing Mexicans from getting into America, but it will also make it a problem to try and move all the Gays down into Mexico. So there in lies the dilemma. Which is more important to him now – getting the Gays into Mexico or keeping the Mexicans out of the U.S. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


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