Tuesday, July 25, 2006

In My World Part 1
Fan Blog (IMW is a Frank J. original-IMAO.us/)

“It’s just not fair” said Gorge Bush to Condoleezza Rice. “Why does Israel get to blow $#*! up but I don’t”

“You’re blowing stuff up everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan…. and watch your language. Your wife might get mad again.” She replied.

“I can swear now if I want. Remember what I told that Canadian guy Tony Blair the other day. I swore in front of him when I thought that mic was turned off.”

“Well just don’t do it around Laura while I’m near by. She scares me a little. And Tony is from England, not Canada. Do you remember anything from geography class?”

“I was in the National Guard during geography class I think. But I want to blow real stuff up now anyway. Afghanistan has a few caves that we keep blowing up, boring!!! And Iraq is so flat now we’re just hitting sand. I want to shot something fun like Israel is. What about that place you just said. Where Tony Blair lives. Do they have tall buildings and explosive fireworks factories there?”

Condi stared at George for a few seconds and then said “George, go bother Dick or something. I’m busy getting ready to go meet with some world leaders in Italy.”

“Oh, tell them I said howdy. Have you seen Dick around anywhere?”


“Thanks for playing marbles with me, Dick” Said George.

“No problem” Dick answered as he flicked a marble hitting two more out of the circle. “I win again. You owe me $27 now”

“Awww, you always win. Hey, here comes Laura now. Maybe she has some cash on her.” Then Gorge turned and yelled “Hey Laura, baby, can I have $27”

She walked over to the two of them and said “What do you need $27 for? You aren’t gambling again are you?”

“No” George answered Quickly. “We just wanted to go get some ice cream”

“What kind of Ice cream costs $27 Dollars” She said while looking very skeptical.

“We wanted to buy some ice cream for some kids too” Dick Jumped in to bail out his friend. “We were hoping to boost George’s approval ratings”

“Kids can’t vote” Laura said.

George was starting to get nervous. “She’s on to me” he thought to himself but Dick saved him one last time. “Well, he can’t run for reelection anyway. He just wants people to like him. Is that so bad?”

“Well, I have a ten and a twenty you can have, I guess. But just stay out of trouble” and the she went back into the house.

“Wow, that was a close one. Thanks for your help. I kinda just froze up there for a minute.” George said.

“aww it was nothing. Now, pay up.”

“But I only have $30 dollars and I owe you $27. If I give you all of it then you’ll owe me $2.”

“Well, I’ll just buy you an Ice cream then. Come on.”


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