Thursday, July 13, 2006

He's not so bad

It would be so easy to write a big long blog about every thing we don't like about the way Pres. George W. Bush is running this country (into the ground). I could say plenty of bad stuff about his Border Policy (again and again) or I could write about how giving Iran nukes could have been a miscalculation on his part. Or even something about the way he sent a hurricane down to New Orleans because he is a racist and loves Global Warming. But all that stuff is everywhere already anyway and I like a little bit of a challenge, myself. That's why I want to write down some of the things that W. Has done over his 1 1/2 terms as President that I think were good. So here it goes.

1) Remember what he was doing on the morning of September 11 when he first heard about the attacks? He was reading stories to children in a classroom. Now that is a good thing that he did. I heard once that that was the only book that he has ever read.

2) He did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monika Lewinsky. I think sometimes that gets over looked but it can be tough sometimes as President to keep from doing that. I heard once that he has actually never had sexual relations with any woman, ever.

3) George Bush created then entire universe no wait, that was God, sorry. This is harder than it looks.

4) While in office he was able to get the Seattle Seahawks to the Super Bowl. Too bad he had already spent all of the money allocated for bribing the Super Bowl refs. He wasted the money by buying body armor for our troop. (It wasn't enough money to get more than one body armor unfortunately)

5) I love the way the gas prices are so high now. Every time President Bush raises the price of oil I know that the Alaska State Permanent Fund Dividend is just going to be worth more and more. Show me the money!!!!

6) On April 3rd, 2006 he through out the first pitch for the season opener game of the Washington Nationals. Who are the Washington Nationals? You might say. Well, they're just some baseball team I guess. But you can probably count that pitch as a good thing that he did. I don't see why not. Plus, it wasn't a half bad pitch, they say.

7) He tortured prisoners at Abu Grab. That's just awesome. I'm just upset that it looks like they stopped doing it. I mean it was a win win situation. It keeps our troops moral up and our enemies moral down. But mostly its just good clean fun.

8) Bush set in place policy and procedures for shooting lawyers in the face. He gave a memo to everyone in his cabinet explaining the way to go about doing this. And he let them know the preferred amount of time they should wait before letting anyone know what happened. (BTW, its one full day)

9) He makes all Kennedy's so frustrated that he drives them all to drinking. Now that's a good thing and a bad thing. Its good in that its very entertaining to see a drunk Kennedy but its bad too, in that other people end up drowning when they drink. So I call that one a draw.

10) He finally killed Zarqawi. That's really good. They say that Bush had him frozen and then they saved his life and then thawed him out. Then Bush blew him up again so that he could watch this time.

So there you have it. Bush has done some good things as President. So next time someone tries to tell you that he's all bad just remember some of these things that I told you about. And hold your head up because he still has 2 more years to do even more good things. I have to say, I'm excited to see what is in the works for the next couple years. Go Bush!!!!


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