Wednesday, July 26, 2006

In My World Part 2
Fan Blog (IMW is a Frank J.

"Wow!!!! I didn't know we could actually do that" George Bush said to Dick Cheney as he was finishing up his ice cream cone. "I always thought bombing the U.N. was sorta off limits. But Israel is bombing them now. Thats really not fair."

"Yeah, I've wanted to bomb the U.N. ever since they made me sell all my shares of Halliburton" Dick said.

"Well I'm going to order a full scale attack on them right now. This is awesome" as Bush dialed the number for missile control. "Hi Ted, Yeah it's me. We want to bomb the UN Offices...... Thats right........Whichever offices are closest to where I am. I want to see if I can see the explosion........New York City eh, sounds to me like the sorta place that should be bombed.........Ok Ted. Thanks. I'll keep a watch for it."

Bush turned to Dick and said "That was Ted, he said it's a go."

"Great. Haha, UN. You should have known you had this coming." The vice President seemed to have a twinkle in his eye.

Then a hooded figure came lurking out from the trees and said to the pair "Be sure to leave Kofi Annan for me. He's mine."

"Oh, Howdy Mr. Rove. Where did you come from?" asked Bush.

"From the shadows. Just be sure not to harm him. Ok?"

"Thats fine. Hey, did you catch the score for the Washington Nationals game to day?" Bush said.

"Good bye George, Dick" And then Carl Rove disappeared into a cloud of smoke and was gone.

"Oh I wish I knew that score" Then Bush said to Dick "Come on, lets Go see what we can find out about my U.N. bomb."


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