Thursday, August 24, 2006

In My World Part 3
Fan Blog (IMW is a Frank J.

"Joe, Wait up for a minute" called President Bush as he hurried to catch up in the White House hallway.

Joe Lieberman quickly looked for an escape route but saw no easy way out so he turned and said "Aw, George. How are you today?"

"Oh, pretty good I guess. I ate a big breakfast so that running I just did to catch up with you made me feel really full now. So how is the weather?"

"Did you have something important to say George or is this all just small talk?" Lieberman asked.

"Just small talk I guess. I never saw you yesterday. Were you busy or something?"

"Yeah, kind of.."

Joe was interrupted by a shadowy figure in the corner "Joe, this is Karl Rove" in a scary voice.

"Hi Karl" Said George

Joe looked a little startled but was able to say "Is there anything I can do for you Mr. Rove?"

Rove, who was in a hooded cloak said "I'm here to help you win your re-election Joe. The Bush camp will help you on two fronts. First we will support you and second we will not support Lamont and Schlesinger. How does that sound"

"And we will drop Bombs anywhere they are needed!" George added with excitement.

"Well, I appreciate the help you guys, But I'm not sure that a Bush endorsement is the best thing at this point. I think I'm better off doing this my self."

"Suit your self, but keep us in mind if you need something in the future." And then as suddenly as he had appeared, Rove disappeared.

"Wow, how do you think he does that?" Bush asked Joe.

"I think he made some sort of deal with someone and had a fiddle contest. I've just heard rumors about it though."

"Lucky. Hey, you want to go get some Red Lobster with me?" Bush said.

"I thought you were full from breakfast"

"Yeah, well, I think I could eat again now."

Then Joe said "I'm pretty busy. I don't think I'll have time to go eat. Besides, Jews don't eat lobster. It's not Kosher."

"What, You're a Jew. I didn't know that." Said George. "Be careful around Mel Gibson then. If he finds out, he might yell at you or something. I heard he doesn't like Jews."

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Bye George"


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