Friday, June 01, 2007

Political Hybrids
(Or some other interesting title)

Where are the Whigs at? Right now we have a one party system that is falling apart. I always write more humor stuff but this will be a short rambling about our screwed up system. I'll be back to satire next time though.

But you look at our government right now, and you can't help but feel disappointed. How did we let ourselves get to this point? We have a President who doesn't listen to anybody and if you disagree with him now, he calls you a racist. An "anti-immigrant" and suggested we suffer from "rage" and "national chauvinism."

You have Pelosi and others who scream about Pres. Bush and everything he does. All they do is Fight and bicker and act petty all day long…………..

You know, serious blogs are stupid and hard to write. I don't like it. I thought I would at first, but then it sucked. For the remainder of this blog I am going to just write non-sense. Because that’s what I think our 2 party system has become - Non-sense.

Four score and 7 years ago, there lived a yellow unicorn who loved to eat candy corn. His name was Charlie. Because no one else in the world liked candy corn Charlie was able to fly around and eat all the candy corn he could ever desire. There had been so much candy corn stockpiled since the end of WWII that it actually would just fall from the sky on windy days. Those were such happy days for Charlie.

At the height of the cold war though, Charlie was drafted in to the military to fight the Russians. He assassinated a lot of top KGB operatives and even one elf. But he hated being in Russia so much. That was the only country in the world that was to poor to buy candy corn. So he went a wall and hid down in Brazil for the next 46 years. Last year he died of natural causes.

The End.

p.s. This story has very deep symbolism in it.


At 6/01/2007 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/17/2007 8:44 AM , Blogger ArcticAngel said...

there was a man from nantucket...oh wait wrong song. sooooo when are you gonna write more humorous stuff for me to read while i'm at home? I think i'll take after that couple in nevada and neglect my children while i goof off on the internet LOL

At 7/18/2007 1:30 PM , Blogger AlaskaNick said...

Yeah, maybe soon. I want to write so I just need to come up with a topic now. I'll start thinking though.

At 7/31/2007 2:42 PM , Blogger ArcticAngel said...

still with the political hybrids...geesh!

At 8/15/2007 10:05 PM , Blogger ArcticAngel said...

p.s. This story has very deep symbolism in it.
not when its the only thing you've posted in...MONTHS. you got me hooked on the whole blogging thing and you aren't keeping up. okay so i have more just boring mommy/wife stuff but you are young and imaginative...blah, blah...


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