Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Exit Stratigery

"If I withdrew the troops, here's how it happened" George Bush's new book seems to have borrowed the title somewhat from O.J. Simpson's new book. But Bush's book is much shorter. It's full length is just one sentence long - "Over my dead body. The End." The book does have some very lovely illustrations though.
George Bush's unwavering resolve is making a lot of democrats very angry though. He has said such things during interviews as "Stay the course" and "we won't leave until the mission is complete." These kinds of words can really confuse democrats who have never held true to a point of view long enough for people to take them seriously. John Kerry believes that Bush should be more open to changing his mind. "If everyone followed Pres. Bush's style of not changing their minds then we would still have slavery" said Kerry.
Meanwhile, in Washington, House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi said Bush must work with Democrats on stopping the violence in Iraq. "We want to work in a bipartisan way to settle this," Pelosi said. "If the president persists on the course that he is on, that will be more difficult."
Many people have started asking why haven't the troops been brought home yet since the Democrats won the latest elections. George Bush just laughed at that question and said "Because they are the Legislative Branch silly. That Branch is like a funny twisted branch. Maybe a branch that broke off a tree during a hurricane or something. Executive Branch is where it's at."
The Iraq War has now been ongoing for longer that all of WWII put together and many people are blaming Bush for that. But some others feel that maybe WWII just got over to quickly and think that that’s a bad comparison. "WWII could have gone on for longer if we wanted it to" said one Vietnam Vet. "All we would have had to do was change the criteria for what constituted victory."
Which could be an option for this war as well. If peace in the Middle East must be achieved before we can declare victory then this war could go on for a very long time. But if it was changed to – If we kill more of them then they do of us, then the war could be over right now and victory will be achieved. It all has to do with perspective.
Just look at Hezbollah. They say they beat Israel but there is not a whole lot of evidence to support that point of view. But they did have a lot of parades afterwards so it's hard to argue with their logic. Parades mean victory.
So it is still uncertain when the war maybe over but as long as we celebrate the return of the troops with parades then we can be winners. And if they have parades in Iraq then we could just bomb them. "How is that for an exit strategy" said Vice Pres. Cheney.


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