Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Mexican Dream

There is a growing trend that shows a major flow of elderly people are sneaking into Mexico. They are people who want a better life. Want to change their situation. They want to change many different things. These are people chasing the "Mexican Dream".

When we see people coming to the U.S. they are chasing the "American Dream". A dream where they can work, make a living, become successful. It's a very noble quest and America gives that opportunity to everyone (Except for elderly people). So people come from countries that don't have those same chances, to be here where we do.

But for some people, they have a different dream. Not the dream of hard work or fame. These are older folks. Retired and ready to kick back and enjoy their latter years without all the hustle and bustle of our busy American ways. And Mexico is just the answer.

Everyone knows there is no work in Mexico. That’s why many Mexicans come to America. And no work, means just relax. Enjoy a nice cold ice tea. It's just tropical weather and pool parties down there. The secret is out now and the retirement communities of Florida and Arizona are heading down in droves.

But the Mexican Government is trying to put an end to this dream now. There is a group or politicians and a part of society that are trying to have a fence put up. They want to build a fence along the Mexican – U.S. border that will keep an over population of non workers out of their country. They are worried about the stability of their Economy once the American elderly community out number the Mexican Citizens.

They also worry about their culture being lost or changed because of the new Illegal immigrants. Already they can see that their language is being destroyed. Most areas with heavy populations of Americans have changed to where English is the most common language. Even signs and menus are in English now. And now, lots of these communities are fighting for their right to vote.

We need to give our support to our fellow Americans that are living illegally in Mexico. We, as a nation, must rise up and say "NO!!" to a fence that keeps old people out of Mexico. And we must say "YES!!!" to amnesty for all of them already there. It's wrong that we should be blocked from the "Mexican Dream"!!!